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2462 votes Rate. 0712-2554065. 420-A Khare Town, N A Road, Bh Mishrikotkar, Dharampeth, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440010ý. Verified Email. Safety tips*
Short Report, Flowcytometric evidence of platelet activation in patients on aspirin following myocardial infarction K. GHOSH, A. KHARE, S. SHETTY, S. NAIR, B. KULKARNI, D. MOHANTY
Thermal Physics Kinetic theory of gases Maxwellian dist. , imperfect gases, Vanderwaal's equation of states, production and measurement of 02 03 06 07 S Ravi A Khare
(With A. Khare) J. of Math. Phys. 39,3476 (1998); 17. Do Quasi-Exactly Solvable Systems Always Correspond to Orthog-onalPolynomials? (With A. Khare) Phys. Lett.
A. Khare, R. B. MacKenzie, P. K. Panigrahi, M. B. Paranjape Phys. Lett. B 355 (1995) 236. 49. Supersymmetry and quantum mechanics F. Cooper, A. Khare, U. Sukhatme
2462 votes Rate. 0712-2554065. 420-A Khare Town, N A Road, Bh Mishrikotkar, Dharampeth, Nagpur, Maharashtra 440010ý. Verified Email. Safety tips*
Short Report, Flowcytometric evidence of platelet activation in patients on aspirin following myocardial infarction K. GHOSH, A. KHARE, S. SHETTY, S. NAIR, B. KULKARNI ...
Thermal Physics Kinetic theory of gases Maxwellian dist. , imperfect gases, Vanderwaal's equation of states, production and measurement of 02 03 06 07 S Ravi A Khare