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Name : Aditya Devnath
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... Aditya Devnath III Civil Shefali Atri III Biotech Khyati I Arch Gibron II Mayank Bhaskar II Elec
Aditya Devnath: adimiuce[at] : Project: Study of Stability of slopes in Nainital region on the basis of geotechnical and geo-informatic investigation.
Aditya Devnath: [email protected]: 21 : Akshat Agarwal: [email protected]: 22 : Devashish Chandra: [email protected]: 23 : Civil 2nd year IITR
Name : Aditya Devnath
Aditya Devnath has not uploaded his Resume.
... Aditya Devnath III Civil Shefali Atri III Biotech Khyati I Arch Gibron II Mayank Bhaskar II Elec