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akshay vaidya : 37.53: 10: 7: 7: 13: 55: 3: 25: 12: 9: 10: 8: 10: 7001007: abhinav mittal : 31.05: 10: 8: 10: 14: 23: 3: 25: 13: 4: 10: 8: 10: 7007016: damle ameya shamkant : 44.1: 10: 5: 10: 10: 84: 3: 27: 15: 4: 8: 0: 9: 7002026
39.33. 1862. 2. Samiksha Mirikar. 34.67. 3046. 3. Snehal Thakur. 34.00. 3266. 4. Priyal Vyas. 31.33. 4200. 5. Akshay Vaidya. 29.33. 5049. 6. Sneha Kudale. 27.00. 6709
To know more details about these competitions, you can click on Overall Coordinator. Akshay Vaidya. akshay[at]techfest[dot]org
akshay.vaidya Intro; talk2omkar Intro; joelsolutions Intro; friendlyz Intro; ggandhi Intro; rishijain9 Intro; tanvishanghavi Intro; vj1983 Intro; rohuchop Intro
akshay vaidya : 07001007: ravi sharma : 07007016: damle ameya shamkant : 07002026: astha garg
akshay vaidya : 37.53: 10: 7: 7: 13: 55: 3: 25: 12: 9: 10: 8: 10: 7001007: abhinav mittal : 31.05: 10: 8: 10: 14: 23: 3: 25: 13: 4: 10: 8: 10: 7007016: damle ameya shamkant : 44.1: 10: 5: 10: 10: 84: 3: 27: 15: 4: 8: 0: 9: 7002026
Priyal Vyas. 31.33. 4200. 5. Akshay Vaidya. 29.33. 5049. 6. Sneha Kudale. 27.00. 6709 ... Thakkar Bhavik Hemant Band 6.5 16. Vyas Priyank Nikhil CAT 92.72
To know more details about these competitions, you can click on Overall Coordinator. Akshay Vaidya. akshay[at]techfest[dot]org