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Amit Bivalkar, Director Amit has been working in the financial services industry for over the past 12 years. Prior to forming SWAB, Amit was the Regional ...
Amit Bivalkar Mobile: +91 96899 24365 Email: [email protected]. Rahul Khandekar Mobile: +91 98220 87487 Email: [email protected]
Amit Bivalkar, Director, SAPIENT The guests of honour were felicited by Prof. Sunita Karad, Director, IT, MAEER's MIT. And the opening speech was delivered by Prof. Dr. Sayalee ...
Amit Bivalkar Mobile: +91 96899 24365 Email: [email protected]. Rahul Khandekar Mobile: +91 98220 87487 Email: [email protected]
Amit Bivalkar, Director Amit has been working in the financial services industry for over the past 12 years. Prior to forming SWAB, Amit was the Regional ...
Amit Bivalkar, Director, SAPIENT The guests of honour were felicited by Prof. Sunita Karad, Director, IT, MAEER's MIT. And the opening speech was delivered by Prof. Dr ...
LinkedIn strengthens and extends your existing network of trusted contacts. LinkedIn is a networking tool that helps you discover inside connections to ...
Get short, timely messages from AMIT BIVALKAR. Twitter is a rich source of instantly updated information. It's easy to stay updated on an incredibly wide ...
iamsrk @terrybambi Sometimes, the best we can do is just apologize and let ...
Amit Bivalkar, Sapient Wealth Management & Brokers, India, Director. Ranjan Ghate, Satyam, New York, Sr. Project Manager. Nishikant Mohanty, Mahindra Satyam ...
Amit Bivalkar, Director Amit has been working in the financial services industry for over the past 12 years. Prior to forming SWAB, Amit was the Regional ...
Amit Bivalkar discussed BENCHMATES on the Katariya high school 1992 Batch ... Amit Bivalkar Apologies to Mr Atul Joshi for not mentioning his name earlier. ...
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