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Anthati Srinath Goud: Anthati Kistaiah: 10: 6: 09B61A0506: Atthili Shiva Kumar: A Venkatesh: 11: 7: 09B61A0507: Ava Anil Kumar: Ava Yadaiah: 12: 8: 09B61A0508: B Pragnya: B Venu Gopal
Anthati Saidulu Goud: 285: 29.26: Independent: 35 : 6 : Nethi Anil Kumar: 2: 0.21: Independent: 36 : 7: Sri Ram Nagar: Un-Reserved: 24-09-2005: 1770: 1155: Gunaganti Vamsidher
lalu goud nadimpally: 1.04: 23/6/2006: 6000: 998: 6998: 6000: 1079: 7079: 7307 : 103: 96: acc/mg/38 ... laxmamma anthati: 4: 16/3/2007: 16000: 1590: 17590: 16000: 1792: 17792: 18289 : 170: 163: acc/upn/411
East: It starts from Sy.No.39 and runs to south covering H.No.7-90, 7-914, 7-24 ... Anthati Srinivas Goud
Goud: MPC: 1: 215: 678: 893: 5: 23-01-33: A.M.R. Memorial Jr. College Nar: K. Venkatesh: Durgaprashad: M: B: Mera: BPC: 1: 215: 678: 893: 6: 23-01-33: A.M.R. Memorial Jr. College Nar
Anthati Srinath Goud: Anthati Kistaiah: 10: 6: 09B61A0506: Atthili Shiva Kumar: A Venkatesh: 11: 7: 09B61A0507: Ava Anil Kumar: Ava Yadaiah: 12: 8: 09B61A0508: B Pragnya: B Venu Gopal
Anthati Saidulu Goud: 285: 29.26: Independent: 35 : 6 : Nethi Anil Kumar: 2: 0.21: Independent: 36 : 7: Sri Ram Nagar: Un-Reserved: 24-09-2005: 1770: 1155: Gunaganti Vamsidher
lalu goud nadimpally: 1.04: 23/6/2006: 6000: 998: 6998: 6000: 1079: 7079: 7307 : 103: 96: acc/mg/38 ... laxmamma anthati: 4: 16/3/2007: 16000: 1590: 17590: 16000: 1792: 17792: 18289 : 170: 163: acc/upn/411