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Being a hospital chain, we have the advantage of leveraging our brand. Ashok Anantram, president-business development, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
The white goods sector module was conducted by J Krishnan, now president of Netlink Technologies, Ashok Anantram, vice-president (sales and marketing) of ITC Hotels, and Ravi ...
Being a hospital chain, we have the advantage of leveraging our brand. Ashok Anantram, president-business development, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
The white goods sector module was conducted by J Krishnan, now president of Netlink Technologies, Ashok Anantram, vice-president (sales and marketing) of ITC Hotels, and ...
ITC Ltd-retired (Hospitality industry): vice president-sales and marketing(retd), (1975-2003)
ITC HOTELS WELCOMGROUP (Hospitality industry): vice president-marketing (retd),&...