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Student: Chandu_Gorthi 200701033; Student: rahul_gupta 200701221; Student: Anil Bagaria ... Student: ramesh lakkaraju; Student: Anupriya Tyagi; Student: Nishant Srivastava
Error-control coding (ECC) is at the heart of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Whenever you want to send information from one point to other point (communication) or ...
SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CAUSE LIST (For 10th, January, 2008 )
Narendra Chandu: ECE: Annamacharya Institute Of Technology & Sciences: 55: 51: 04701A0456: Reddappa Reddy Timmasani: ECE: Annamacharya Institute Of Technology & Sciences
Chandu Priyathotakura: MCA: Sri Veera Venkata Satya Narayana Engineering College: 198: 197: JKC-ONG-0197: Y7MC89009: Chandra Sekharkonda: MCA: Sri Veera Venkata Satya Narayana Engineering ...
Student: Chandu_Gorthi 200701033; Student: rahul_gupta 200701221; Student: Anil Bagaria ... Student: ramesh lakkaraju; Student: Anupriya Tyagi; Student: Nishant Srivastava
Error-control coding (ECC) is at the heart of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Whenever you want to send information from one point to other point ...
SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CAUSE LIST (For 10th, January, 2008 )