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Kolkata White Pages - Information and contact details of Chillmate Refrigeration Co, Chillmek Engineering PVT LTD, Chilur STD Code, Chinmay Kar and much more.
Sub: CASE PENDING SINCE MARCH 2009-Detail calculation of fixation of pay in terms of Recommendation by Central 6th pay Commission in respect of:- Chinmay Kar , P.P.O.
Sub: "How it looks:-" placed before CMD/BSNL" - case of Chinmay Kar Ref: My E-mail dated. 20-08-09 to CMD, copy to you. Refer to para (f)-should be (g) of your e-letter dated. 05-08 ...
Dr Chinmay Kar: SUBHADEEP DAS: 9434849131: 4: Bardhaman: Kalna SD Hosp: Dr. Sarmistha Das: ANIRUDDHA CHAKRABORTY: 9831857426: 5: Bardhaman: Burdwan MCH: Supdt.
... Name of the clinic Proposed shifted site PRINCIPAL 1 2 Bankura BSMCH Dr. Debiprasad Dutta 9434391835 Bishnupur SD Hospital Dr. Ashoke Samanta 3 4 5 6 Bardhaman Asansol SD Hosp Dr Chinmay Kar ...
Sub: CASE PENDING SINCE MARCH 2009-Detail calculation of fixation of pay in terms of Recommendation by Central 6th pay Commission in respect of:- Chinmay Kar , P.P.O.
Dr Chinmay Kar: SUBHADEEP DAS: 9434849131: 4: Bardhaman: Kalna SD Hosp: Dr. Sarmistha Das: ANIRUDDHA CHAKRABORTY: 9831857426: 5: Bardhaman: Burdwan MCH: Supdt.
Kolkata White Pages - Information and contact details of Chillmate Refrigeration Co, Chillmek Engineering PVT LTD, Chilur STD Code, Chinmay Kar and much more.