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Kalpana Sethi . B.A., P.G.D.C.A. Jr. Accounts Officer. Dasarathi Mohapatra . Matric (Office Asst.) Kamala Kanta Tripathy. Matric (2nd Asst.)
dasarathi mohapatra: mangobindapur,bijipur,manatri,mbj: male: sebc: ct: 45.143 : 198 : 691: sunanda ghadei: girish ch. ghadei: musagadia,pruthunathpur,manatri,mbj
A C D E F H I J; 1: DRAFT GRADATION LIST OF LEVEL - III SERVICE UNDER O.E.E. CADRE RULE'1997; 2 Sl. No: Name: DOB: Category: Qualification: Date of Appointment in Level-III
Kalpana Sethi . B.A., P.G.D.C.A. Jr. Accounts Officer. Dasarathi Mohapatra . Matric (Office Asst.) Kamala Kanta Tripathy. Matric (2nd Asst.)
A C D E F H I J; 1: DRAFT GRADATION LIST OF LEVEL - III SERVICE UNDER O.E.E. CADRE RULE'1997; 2 Sl. No: Name: DOB: Category: Qualification: Date of Appointment in Level-III