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Name Debabrata Mitra Designation ASSTT.DIRECTOR GR.I(G&C), MSME-DI, Kolkata Date of Entry to the Deptt. 29.6.89 Date of superannuation 29.02.2024 Qualifications - a) Academic b) Professional A ...
R E S U M E R E S U M E R E S U M E R E S U M E Name: Dr. DEBABRATA MITRA Designation: Associate Professor ,,,, Department of Commerce, University of North Bengal and Head, Department ...
Dr.Debabrata Mitra. Head, Department of Management. University of North Bengal . n) Name : Dr. DEBABRATA MITRA . o) Designation : READER
Dr. Debabrata Mitra : University of North Bengal (Chairperson) Mr. Rohit Sharma : Kurseong College ; Mr. Debabrata Sur : Siliguri College ; Mr. P.S. Chakraborty : A.C. College of ...
Adding this business to My List will help you quickly access its details any time you want.
Name Debabrata Mitra Designation ASSTT.DIRECTOR GR.I(G&C), MSME-DI, Kolkata Date of Entry to the Deptt. 29.6.89 Date of superannuation 29.02.2024 Qualifications - a) Academic b ...
R E S U M E R E S U M E R E S U M E R E S U M E Name: Dr. DEBABRATA MITRA Designation: Associate Professor ,,,, Department of Commerce, University of North Bengal and Head, ...
Jadavpur University (Educational Institution; Higher Education industry): Research Fellow, (May 2007-June 2008) Worked as Junior Research Fellow unde...