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Debasish Bakshi and Narayan C. Mandal. 1064: Efficacy of natural product, Clerodendron inerme against dengue mosquito vector Aedes aegypti : P. B. Patil, S. N. Holihosur and V. L ...
... of Experimental Biology Vol 44, November 2006, pp. 918-923 Survival, nodulation and N 2 fixation ability of root nodule bacteria under different nutritional regimes Debasish Bakshi ...
Don't Go There Debasish Bakshi Moniba Compu Academy Pvt. Ltd. email: debasish@ibmace. net...
is: “ MCAPL and heights of their Exploitations” This “fable” story is subjected to the placement officer of MCAPL, Mr. Debasish Bakshi.
Debasish Bakshi, Arijit Mukhopadhyay, Arijit Sinhababu, Sushil C Pal & Narayan C Mandal. Received 16 February 2006; revised 23 August 2006. Eleven strains of Rhizobium and five ...
Debasish Bakshi, Arijit Mukhopadhyay, Arijit Sinhababu, Sushil C Pal & Narayan C Mandal. Received 16 February 2006; revised 23 August 2006. Eleven strains of Rhizobium and ...
Don't Go There Debasish Bakshi Moniba Compu Academy Pvt. Ltd. email: debasish@ibmace. net...
... Vol 44, November 2006, pp. 918-923 Survival, nodulation and N 2 fixation ability of root nodule bacteria under different nutritional regimes Debasish Bakshi, Arijit ...