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To know your result use the key CTRL +F and then type your roll number (control key with the combination of F key) M.Phil. Result (Marks are out of 70)
295 db00693 deepali shrivastava gm 141. 296. ... 335 db00664 ashish chinchanikar gm 140. 336.
db00664 ashish chinchanikar gm 140. 656. ... db00693 deepali shrivastava gm 141. 684.
To know your result use the key CTRL +F and then type your roll number (control key with the combination of F key) M.Phil. Result (Marks are out of 70)
295 db00693 deepali shrivastava gm 141. 296. ... 335 db00664 ashish chinchanikar gm 140. 336.
db00664 ashish chinchanikar gm 140. 656. ... db00693 deepali shrivastava gm 141. 684.