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DHH, Nuapada. 9437071578. 06678-223346. 3 . Dr. Bajarang Bali Jagat. ADMO(FW) DHH, Nuapada. 9437071578. 06678-223745. 4 . Dr. Udaya Charan Maharana. ADMO(Med.) DHH, Nuapada
The Director, DHH also stated on how the use of IT has been helpful to local artisans and weavers mentioning the time involved in designing has drastically reduced with the use of ...
SCRUTINY STATUS OF OFFICE ASSISTANT POST - DPMU/NRHM , DHH-BOUDH Sl. No. Name DOB Nativity & Misc. Case 10th Marks 10+2th Marks Graduation/ BCA Marks Computer Course Character Remarks 1 Sasmita Sahu ...
kd; dhh; Fo efuhl; rp rhjhuzf; Tl; lk; epfGk; !h;t#pj; tUlk; ij khjk; - 16 k; njjp ( 2008 k; tUlk; #dthp khjk; 30 - k; njjp ) g[jd; fpHik fhiy 11.00 kzpf;F efuhl; rp ...
Microsoft Word - Outsourcing cleaning, security, lift operations in DHH Bha… ADVERTISEMENT ROGI KALYAN SAMITI District Head Quarter Hospital, Bhadrak Expression of ...
DHH, Nuapada. 9437071578. 06678-223346. 3 . Dr. Bajarang Bali Jagat. ADMO(FW) DHH, Nuapada. 9437071578. 06678-223745. 4 . Dr. Udaya Charan Maharana. ADMO(Med.) DHH, Nuapada
The Director, DHH also stated on how the use of IT has been helpful to local artisans and weavers mentioning the time involved in designing has drastically reduced with the ...
SCRUTINY STATUS OF OFFICE ASSISTANT POST - DPMU/NRHM , DHH-BOUDH Sl. No. Name DOB Nativity & Misc. Case 10th Marks 10+2th Marks Graduation/ BCA Marks Computer Course Character Remarks 1 ...