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mohd fauzan m . hasan shaikh [vj] arushi madan[vc] science: adil viswanath [vj] megha manoj nair [vc] language: ritham batchu [vl] drishya dinesh [ve]
S.NO: Name of the Student: Name of the Parent: Admission Number: Class in which Student left: TC Number and Date: Remarks if, any: 951: KUSHUM KUMARI: D.K.YADAV
mohd fauzan m . hasan shaikh [vj] arushi madan[vc] science: adil viswanath [vj] megha manoj nair [vc] language: ritham batchu [vl] drishya dinesh [ve]
S.NO: Name of the Student: Name of the Parent: Admission Number: Class in which Student left: TC Number and Date: Remarks if, any: 951: KUSHUM KUMARI: D.K.YADAV