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Both Shruti and Akshara got along well with Subbalaxmi (Gautami’s daughter) as well. She’s all of nine but a very curious child and has a lot of questions to ask.
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Check out Gautami biography & filmography, Gautami 's photos, wallpapers & movie stills, Gautami interviews and videos from Yahoo! India Movies.
Check out Gautami Kapoor biography & filmography, Gautami Kapoor 's photos, wallpapers & movie stills, Gautami Kapoor interviews and videos from Yahoo! India Movies.
Movie Reviews | Movie Gallery |Tamil Mp3 | Hindi Mp3 |Movie Gallery |Hollywood news | Bollywood News | ETC
See Gauthami 's profile on, Redif MyPage, Messages, Friends email address, Gauthami | India | KNPS | NRC |
SMS Wiki - A collection of SMS and Greetings you can scrap this card for Myspace ... Bollywood Movies : Gauthami's new family May 23rd, 2009 No comments »