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Geethalakshmi K. P.C.College of Engineering, Goa, India. 19. Gokulakrishnan V. Bharathidasan University, India. 20. Hitesh Sharma. Punjab Technical University, India
B. Geethalakshmi, K.DelhiBabu, M.Chaitanya Varma, P. Dananjayan: 82: 210: Harmonics and voltage stability analysis in powersystems using facts ...
A C D E N; 1: Sl.No. AppNo: AppName: FatherName: Marks obtained: 2: 1: 000001: SHANKRAPPA VENKAPPA DHARWAD: VENKAPPA HANMAPPA DHARWAD: 52: 3: 2: 000002: REVANNA PRASAD M: MALEGOWDA
A B C D E F G H I; 1: Applied District: Sl.No. AppNo: AppName: Written Test Marks obtained: Written Test weightage 50 %: Aggregate Marks Percentage uploaded
022365 JEYABHARATHI S, GEETHALAKSHMI K (Mathematics Dep, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai-15) : Study on double cross-over splicing system with SAI operations.
Geethalakshmi K. P.C.College of Engineering, Goa, India. 19. Gokulakrishnan V. Bharathidasan University, India. 20. Hitesh Sharma. Punjab Technical University, India
B. Geethalakshmi, K.DelhiBabu, M.Chaitanya Varma, P. Dananjayan: 82: 210: Harmonics and voltage stability analysis in powersystems ...
A C D E N; 1: Sl.No. AppNo: AppName: FatherName: Marks obtained: 2: 1: 000001: SHANKRAPPA VENKAPPA DHARWAD: VENKAPPA HANMAPPA DHARWAD: 52: 3: 2: 000002: REVANNA PRASAD M: MALEGOWDA
Bengaluru Area, India - enter at Citigroup Venture CapitalView Geethalakshmi K's (India) professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Geethalakshmi ...
Geethalakshmi K. Gender, : female. Age, : 28. Nationality, : Indian. Location, : Bangalore, India. Please wait, updating ... in. Add Geethalakshmi to Likes ...
by J Janifer -
Prevalence of lower urinary tract infection in south indian type 2 diabetic subjects. J.Janifer, S.Geethalakshmi, K.Satyavani, V Viswanathan ...
Name, Mrs. Geethalakshmi. K. Designation, Assistant Professor. Qualification, MCA., M.Phil. Experience, 4 Yrs. Area of Specialisation, Image Processing ...
20 Sep 2010 ... J Janifer, S Geethalakshmi, K Satyavani, V Viswanathan DOI:10.4103/0971- 4065.57107 PMID:20436730. This study was done to determine the ...
Prevalence of lower urinary tract infection in South Indian type 2 diabetic subjects, p. 120. J Janifer, S Geethalakshmi, K Satyavani, V Viswanathan ...
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