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The nearest major railway station to Egra is Chapa (DGHA) which is at a distance of 16.6 kilometres. The nearest airport is at Kolkata which is at a distance of 126 kilometres.
The nearest major railway station to Kijiri is Chapa (DGHA) which is at a distance of 12.4 kilometres. The nearest airport is at Kolkata which is at a distance of 100 kilometres.
Chhotelal/Govardhan Pawar, Dighora: 17126: 303: Babloo Sattar ... S. Mohd., Chapa: 13006: 394: Ramgopal Soni, Akuri
'Chapa' is the Oriya equivalent of 'float'. In most of the Vishnu as well as Shiva ... Goudiya Math, Sri Radhakanta Math, Sri Ramakrishna Math, Sri Shankarachrya Govardhan Math ...
GOVARDHAN PUJA. RADHA DAMODHAR PUGA. BALABHADRA PUJA. PRITHIVI PUJA. RAJA SANKRANTI ... 'Chapa' is the Oriya equivalent of 'float' marks the conclusion of the prime annual ...
The nearest major railway station to Egra is Chapa (DGHA) which is at a distance of 16.6 kilometres. The nearest airport is at Kolkata which is at a distance of 126 ...
The nearest major railway station to Kijiri is Chapa (DGHA) which is at a distance of 12.4 kilometres. The nearest airport is at Kolkata which is at a distance of 100 ...
Chhotelal/Govardhan Pawar, Dighora: 17126: 303: Babloo Sattar ... S. Mohd., Chapa: 13006: 394: Ramgopal Soni, Akuri