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List all Notices ... Notices . Gulshan, have changed his name Gulshan have changed his name to Gulshan Punyani
To know your result use the key CTRL +F and then type your roll number (control key with the combination of F key) Result (Marks are out of 70)
To know your result use the key CTRL +F and then type your roll number (control key with the combination of F key) Mixed PG Result (Marks are out of 70)
7006802 pooja punyani (w) 770 i. d/o rajinder kumar ... d/o gulshan kumar . kh495/07
2370054 gulshan sheel 694 ii . d ... d/o hira lal punyani ...
List all Notices ... Notices . Gulshan, have changed his name Gulshan have changed his name to Gulshan Punyani
To know your result use the key CTRL +F and then type your roll number (control key with the combination of F key) Result (Marks are out of 70)
To know your result use the key CTRL +F and then type your roll number (control key with the combination of F key) Mixed PG Result (Marks are out of 70)