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INDRANIL SANTRA: Male: English: 45: 922900: sb2: X1560045: INDRANIL SINGHA: Male: English: 46: 982108: sb2: X1560046: IPSITA RAY: Female: English: 47: 912672: sb2: X1560047: Ipsita Banerjee
Important (Last Date for online Registration 27 th August 12:00 Night) The candidates who have Qualified in CA final examination held in May/November 2008 and found eligibile ...
INDRANIL SANTRA: Male: English: 45: 922900: sb2: X1560045: INDRANIL SINGHA: Male: English: 46: 982108: sb2: X1560046: IPSITA RAY: Female: English: 47: 912672: sb2: X1560047: Ipsita Banerjee
Important (Last Date for online Registration 27 th August 12:00 Night) The candidates who have Qualified in CA final examination held in May/November 2008 and found ...