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southern power distribution company of provisional seniority list as on 31-12-2009: annexure to 193/2010, dt 31-1-2010
A B C; 1 : 2 : NAME: BRANCH: 3 : PRAKASH MEDSHINGE: Kolhapur: 4 : N.K.GOPALA KRISHNA SETTY: SJBSS EC, Malleswaram: 5 : V SAI SHYAM: Visakapatnam: 6 : M GOPAL: Sadashiva Nagar
jayarama naidu v/s m nallaiah @ muthyala naidu: justice neelam sanjiva reddy v/s government of india, ministry of law, justice and company affairs, (department of justice)
Please send your updated phone numbers/email addresses to: [email protected] as soon as possible. Thank you. This page was last updated on October 08, 2010.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t; 1: br: centre: pin: name: father: sex: ws: sub1: sub2: sub3: sub4: sub5: sub6: sub7: sub8: sub9: sub10: linkno: ddno_amount: fees_paid: 2: c: 028: 00028c 002: bhanu prakash gotru
southern power distribution company of provisional seniority list as on 31-12-2009: annexure to 193/2010, dt 31 ...
A B C; 1 : 2 : NAME: BRANCH: 3 : PRAKASH MEDSHINGE: Kolhapur: 4 : N.K.GOPALA KRISHNA SETTY: SJBSS EC, Malleswaram: 5 : V SAI SHYAM: Visakapatnam: 6 : M GOPAL: Sadashiva Nagar
jayarama naidu v/s m nallaiah @ muthyala naidu: justice neelam sanjiva reddy v/s government of india, ministry of law, justice and company affairs, (department of justice)