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Journal of Ecology & Environmental Sciences , 22: 297-302.(International) 13) Karmegam, N., M. Sakthivadivel, V. Anuradha and Thilagavathy Daniel , 1997.
Karmegam N, Daniel Thilagavathy (Dept Bio, Gandhigram Rural Inst, Deemed Univ, Gandhigram 624302). Effect of bio-digested slurry and vermicompost on the growth and yield of cowpea ...
Karmegam, N., Mahalingam, P.U. and Daniel, T. 2006. Organic farming with vermicompost as a way for sustainable agriculture . In: Proceedings of National Seminar on Organic Farming ...
Karmegam N, Daniel Thilagavathy (Dept Bio, Gandhigram Rural Inst, Deemed Univ, Gandhigram 624302). Effect of methyl parathion on hatching of cocoons of the earthworms Eudrilus ...
Karmegam.N: 196, Arisipalaym Main Road, Arisipalayam, Salem - 636 009: 2351444: Karnan.B: 47-A, Kambar Street, Chinnathirupathi, Salem - 636 008: 2405505, 9443290333
Journal of Ecology & Environmental Sciences , 22: 297-302.(International) 13) Karmegam, N., M. Sakthivadivel, V. Anuradha and Thilagavathy Daniel , 1997.
Karmegam N, Daniel Thilagavathy (Dept Bio, Gandhigram Rural Inst, Deemed Univ, Gandhigram 624302). Effect of bio-digested slurry and vermicompost on the growth and yield ...
Karmegam, N., Mahalingam, P.U. and Daniel, T. 2006. Organic farming with vermicompost as a way for sustainable agriculture . In: Proceedings of National Seminar on Organic ...