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Check out Kirti Rawal biography & filmography, Kirti Rawal 's photos, wallpapers & movie stills, Kirti Rawal interviews and videos from Yahoo! India Movies. & - Bollywood Social Network ... Woman- the life force. She is the supreme creator and preserver...if need be,she can also be the supreme destroyer!
The film stars Amit Kapoor, Bindu Sharma, Sonia, Shamin, Kirti Rawal, Preeti Patil, Arvind Ghosh and Rajesh Tiwari.
Fardeen Ibrahim, Rajani Chandra, Kirti Rawal, Yunus Parvez, Sudhir, Ali Khan, Amit Kaushik and Ravi Kissen are in the cast.
Prem Shastra - Hindi) movie - Dir: Anil Dhanda Cast: Johny Nirmal, Kirti Rawal, Kulbir, Amit Pachori
Check out Kirti Rawal biography & filmography, Kirti Rawal 's photos, wallpapers & movie stills, Kirti Rawal interviews and videos from Yahoo! India Movies. & - Bollywood Social Network ... Woman- the life force. She is the supreme creator and preserver...if need be,she can also be the supreme destroyer!
The film stars Amit Kapoor, Bindu Sharma, Sonia, Shamin, Kirti Rawal, Preeti Patil, Arvind Ghosh and Rajesh Tiwari.