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Liji Samuel Lecturer in Law Contact No. : +91 9497195387 Email : [email protected]
Liji Samuel. Lecturer, National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kochi. Manoj Krishna. Lecturer, Government Law College, Thiruvananthapuram. Mani, V.L.
Sudheesh Kumar S. Jacob Joseph: Hari S. Nayar: Dr. Anil R. Nair: Namitha.K.L: Sheeba S. Dhar: Liji Samuel: Abhayachandran.K
liji samuel: cs 210: lincy a v: cs 211: linju a .c: cs 212: lino murali: cs 213: lizmol stephen: cs 214: mahesh k: cs 215: manju p.k. cs 216: manoop.m
Liji Samuel: 10261840: 105 Engin eering Mechanics: 39 Three Nine: PNJ: Ronnie Kri shnan: 10264019: 105 Engin eering Mechanics: No Change: PNJ: Divya Pras ad: 10341839: 105 Engin eering Mechanics
Liji Samuel Lecturer in Law Contact No. : +91 9497195387 Email : [email protected]
Liji Samuel. Lecturer, National University of Advanced Legal Studies, Kochi. Manoj Krishna. Lecturer, Government Law College, Thiruvananthapuram. Mani, V.L.
Sudheesh Kumar S. Jacob Joseph: Hari S. Nayar: Dr. Anil R. Nair: Namitha.K.L: Sheeba S. Dhar: Liji Samuel: Abhayachandran.K