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Even the police, who should normally be thankful to someone else doing their dirty work, are critical of Mahadeva. L Subbanna, sub-inspector, City railway police station, in whose ...
Mahadeva, L. and G. Sterne 2000. ‘‘The Devil in the Detail of Monetary Policy Frameworks (2): Interpreting Measures of Framework Characteristics.’’
(v) No limits or little enforcement : 0: 0: 1: 1 : Source: Mahadeva. L. and G.Sterne (ed.): Monetary Policy Frameworks in a Global Context, Routledge, 2000.
3543 220 g his mahadeva l 01/06/1958 11/09/1984 sc 19/02/1991 . 3544 221 g geo thimmegowda st 06/06/1958 11/09/1984 ...
Note : To obtain an aligned printout please download the (230400 kb) or (129 kb) version to your machine and then use respective software to print the story.
Even the police, who should normally be thankful to someone else doing their dirty work, are critical of Mahadeva. L Subbanna, sub-inspector, City railway police station ...
Mahadeva, L. and G. Sterne 2000. The Devil in the Detail of Monetary Policy Frameworks (2): Interpreting Measures of Framework Characteristics.