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SUBJECT : SA HINDI : MGT : Local Body : Sl No: ID: Eligible Promotion: FIRST_APP_MGT: NAME OF THE TEACHER: Desg: Name of the School: Mandal
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P U AD AE AF AG AH AI; 1: Provisional Seniority List ; 2 SUBJECT : SA HINDI : MGT : Local Body : 3: Sl No: ID: Eligible Promotion
proforma - iii: dsc recruitment -dsc-2002 (warangal district) post: sa maths : total number of vacancies notified: 33 : total number of vacancies filled:
KOMMA MAHESHWAR REDDY: Male English 175: 112893: SB+2(SX) X2520162: KOMMI BHAVANIPRASAD: Male English 176: 112673: SB+2(SX) X2520163: KOMMURI NIKHIL
A B C D E F G H I J; 1: PROFORMA: 2: Statement showing the details of placed candidates under Rajivudyogasri: 3: Sl.No: Name of the canidate: Father's name: Address
SUBJECT : SA HINDI : MGT : Local Body : Sl No: ID: Eligible Promotion: FIRST_APP_MGT: NAME OF THE TEACHER: Desg: Name of the School: Mandal
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P U AD AE AF AG AH AI; 1: Provisional Seniority List ; 2 SUBJECT : SA HINDI : MGT : Local Body : 3: Sl No: ID: Eligible Promotion
proforma - iii: dsc recruitment -dsc-2002 (warangal district) post: sa maths : total number of vacancies notified: 33 : total number of vacancies filled: