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Book. Ghosal, Ashitava (2006) Robotics: Fundamental Concepts and Analysis. Oxford University Press. Book Chapter. Kavitha, Telikepalli and Shah, Chintan D (2006) Efficient algorithms for ...
Venkataraman, NV and Vasudevan, S (2001) Interdigitation of an intercalated surfactant bilayer. In: Journal of Physcial Chemistry B, 105 (32). pp. 7639-7650.
Book. Ghosal, Ashitava (2006) Robotics: Fundamental Concepts and Analysis. Oxford University Press. Book Chapter. Kavitha, Telikepalli and Shah, Chintan D (2006) Efficient ...
Venkataraman, NV and Vasudevan, S (2001) Interdigitation of an intercalated surfactant bilayer. In: Journal of Physcial Chemistry B, 105 (32). pp. 7639-7650.