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View Mayank Upadhyay's social profile on bigadda. Bigadda is India's fastest growing social network, helping friends like Mayank Upadhyay discover inside connections to share ...
Prof. Mayank Upadhyay Professor EDI, Ahmedabad; Prof. Nina Muncherji Assistant Professor Nirma University, Ahmedabad; Dr. Rajneesh Krishna Dean (Research)
mayank upadhyay: metta: 051165: jyotinder pal singh: computer sc: 051326: sumit gupta: electronics: 051305: shashank singh: electrical: 051327: sumit sharma: mechanical
Mayank Upadhyay ACWA [email protected] : Specialises in the areas of finance, management accounting, project planning and strategic management with extensive experience in ...
Mayank Upadhyay : IX A: Social science exhibition: 2006-07. 13. Navodoy Majumdar : IX A: Social science exhibition: 2006-07. 14. Deepak V. Class XI (Science) A.I.S.S.E 2007-08
View Mayank Upadhyay's social profile on bigadda. Bigadda is India's fastest growing social network, helping friends like Mayank Upadhyay discover inside connections to ...
Prof. Mayank Upadhyay Professor EDI, Ahmedabad; Prof. Nina Muncherji Assistant Professor Nirma University, Ahmedabad; Dr. Rajneesh Krishna Dean (Research)
mayank upadhyay: metta: 051165: jyotinder pal singh: computer sc: 051326: sumit gupta: electronics: 051305: shashank singh: electrical: 051327: sumit sharma: mechanical