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Dr. Mousumi Dutta, Senior Lecturer [email protected] Area of Specialisation: Econometrics, Microeconomics, Environmental Economics, Computer ...
Mousumi Dutta Gen 12. Mahfuza Sultana Laskar Gen 13. Jaya Prada Nath Gen 14. Sahidul Hoque Barlaskar Gen 15. Ashik Alahi Barbhuiya Gen 16.
"Women, Work and Education: Women in Kolkata's IT Sector", with Mousumi Dutta, funded by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Germany: April - December 2008. 25000 Euros.
The Pied Cuckoo in 2010 - Mousumi Dutta; A guide to the website; New webpage features; Pied Cuckoos are back! Legend has it that the Pied Cuckoo (also called the Pied-crested Cuckoo ...
... Mridula Goswami Thakur: Vice-President: Mousumi Dutta: General Secretary: Bhabesh Doley
Dr. Mousumi Dutta, Senior Lecturer [email protected] Area of Specialisation: Econometrics, Microeconomics, Environmental Economics, Computer ...
The Pied Cuckoo in 2010 - Mousumi Dutta; A guide to the website; New webpage features; Pied Cuckoos are back! Legend has it that the Pied Cuckoo (also called the Pied-crested ...
"Women, Work and Education: Women in Kolkata's IT Sector", with Mousumi Dutta, funded by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Germany: April - December 2008. 25000 Euros.
93.5 sfm (Broadcast Media industry): Jhoomo jam ke jhoomo, (September 2008-Present)