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Mrinmoyee Dutta : 10: CTGH5018: Mithu Borthakur: 11: CTDB5011: Barnali Tamuly: 12: CTDB5017: Monika Rajkumari: 13: CTTZ5013: Anupam Borah: 14: CTTZ5022: Bhupali Borkakati: 15
Mrinmoyee Dutta : 10: CTGH5018: Mithu Borthakur: 11: CTDB5011: Barnali Tamuly: 12: CTDB5017: Monika Rajkumari: 13: CTTZ5013: Anupam Borah: 14: CTTZ5022: Bhupali Borkakati: 15
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Ma Foi Management Consultants Ltd. (Privately Held; Human Resources industry): CRD Executive, (August 2009-December 2009)