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To know your result use the key CTRL +F and then type your roll number (control key with the combination of F key) MBA / E-MBA 3rd Semester Result (Marks are out of 70)
noorie hamid khan : pune: nurjahan sirajuddin ... muhammed kurikapully maimoon : palakkad
c c alavi haji v/s palapetty muhammed: chandrappa v/s state of karnataka: chhedi lal misra v/s civil judge, lucknow: chinthamani ammal v/s nandagopal gounder
meethiyan sidhiqu v/s muhammed kunju pareeth kutty: mohamed iqbal madar sheikh v/s state of maharashtra: monika bhasin v/s maharishi davanand university
... 35- mathematics nochange 210 mukarram ahmed m 302871 35- mathematics nochange 211 noorie naseer ...
To know your result use the key CTRL +F and then type your roll number (control key with the combination of F key) MBA / E-MBA 3rd Semester Result (Marks are out of 70
noorie hamid khan : pune: nurjahan ... muhammed kurikapully maimoon : palakkad
c c alavi haji v/s palapetty muhammed: chandrappa v/s state of karnataka: chhedi lal misra v/s civil judge, lucknow: chinthamani ammal v/s nandagopal gounder