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state code: district code: block code: centre code: roll no. name of candidate: type: 01: 01: 01: 01: i00009: s poorna chand: rural open seat: 01: 01: 01: 01: o00204: b anitha: rural open seat
Sl_No: Appl_No: Stream: Seat_No: Name of the Candidate: Gender: Language: 1: 112083: SA: A0910001: ARPITA PRAMANIK: Female: English 2: 112113: SA: A0910002: BISHU CHANDRA NATH
Sl_No: Appl_No: Stream: Seat_No: Name of the Candidate: Gender: Language: 1: 112083: SA: A0910001: ARPITA PRAMANIK: Female: English 2: 112113: SA: A0910002: BISHU CHANDRA NATH
state code: district code: block code: centre code: roll no. name of candidate: type: 01: 01: 01: 01: i00009: s poorna chand: rural open seat: 01: 01: 01: 01: o00204: b anitha: rural open seat