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G OM PRAKASH REDDY: ECE: Management: 111: 06931A0459: M PAVAN KUMAR REDDY: ECE: Spot: 112: 06931A0465: P RAHIM BASHA: ECE: Management: 113: 06931A0470
A B C D E F G H I; 1: S.No: HallTicket .No: Name: College Name: Total work.days: No.of Days present: Net Salary: Payorder Place: Pay ordet District: 2: 1
2009-10. Research Papers | Books/Reports/Bulletins/Policy paper and brief | Popular Articles | TV/Radio talks/shows. Research papers 2009-10
S. No. TC No. TC Date (DD/MM/YYYY) Class: Adm No. Student's Name: Mother's Name: Father's Name : 1: 020908: 28/10/2010 10/11/2010: 4: 13802: Saurabh Yadav
G OM PRAKASH REDDY: ECE: Management: 111: 06931A0459: M PAVAN KUMAR REDDY: ECE: Spot: 112: 06931A0465: P RAHIM BASHA: ECE: Management: 113: 06931A0470
A B C D E F G H I; 1: S.No: HallTicket .No: Name: College Name: Total work.days: No.of Days present: Net Salary: Payorder Place: Pay ordet District: 2: 1
2009-10. Research Papers | Books/Reports/Bulletins/Policy paper and brief | Popular Articles | TV/Radio talks/shows. Research papers 2009-10