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PTVA'S SATHAYE COLLEGE, RANKING, CUT OFFS, ELIGIBILITY, FEES MUMBAI, MAHARASHTRA ... collage please give me some idea about that Thanking you with Regards Mrs Pradnya ...
In Entrance Average 37 Gurav Daksha Ashok Sathaye c 545 90.83 96 93.42 92 Patil Abhijeet Subhash ... 67.33 38 52.67 59 Lohia Amandeep Pallsingh Ruia 359 59.83 42 50.92 95 Patil Pradnya Naresh Bandod 340 56 ...
Arte Prachi Prakash Pradnya: BSIT: April: Birla College o f Arts, Science and Commerce ... Parle Tilak Vid yalaya Association's Sathaye College: First Class: F: A: 2,008 provides people search and background verifications in India to individuals and businesses
Sathaye Shreya Uday: VS10BOI31145: 96.5%: Mrs. Pradnya Kulkarni: Bhagavati Vidyalaya: Thane: Maharashtra: 65: Aditi Dhamgaye: VS10NAG35183: 96.5%: Sister Pritha: Mount Carmel Convent High School
PTVA'S SATHAYE COLLEGE, RANKING, CUT OFFS, ELIGIBILITY, FEES MUMBAI, MAHARASHTRA ... please give me some idea about that Thanking you with Regards Mrs Pradnya Raut
In Entrance Average 37 Gurav Daksha Ashok Sathaye c 545 90.83 96 93.42 92 Patil Abhijeet Subhash ... 67.33 38 52.67 59 Lohia Amandeep Pallsingh Ruia 359 59.83 42 50.92 95 Patil Pradnya Naresh Bandod ...
Arte Prachi Prakash Pradnya: BSIT: April: Birla College o f Arts, Science and Commerce ... Parle Tilak Vid yalaya Association's Sathaye College: First Class: F: A: 2,008