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Total number of Pi members as on November 12th, 2010: 2575. Note: This is a partial List. Only Pi members who have requested to publish their contact information in this directory ...
[email protected] : 14: shri. i. jyrwa, mcs: director employment and craftsment training: 2223592 9436106419: 2536672: 2223592 : 15: shri. j. lyngdoh, ias: commissioner
1. Shri. Rajkumar Agarwal. Chairman. 2. Prof. S. B. Mantri. Vice-Chairman. 3. Shri. Bharat Agarwal. Member. 4. Shri.Prashant Naik. Member. 5. Shri. Avinash Gore. Member
Mr. Prashant Naik (Project Manager): Mr. Naik has studied Electronics Engineering and Materials Management. He is well versed with computer operations and has ten years work ...
'The law and order situation is not conducive for elections and so it has been adjourned,' chief electoral officer Prashant Naik said.
... prashant naik Dec 22nd, 2007 at 8:52 pm. hi all of u.i m also having thunderbirde 2003 model.i feel like real muscle ...
BOMBAY HIGH COURT DAILY CAUSE LIST Original Side (For 16th, December, 2010 )
1. Shri. Rajkumar Agarwal. Chairman. 2. Prof. S. B. Mantri. Vice-Chairman. 3. Shri. Bharat Agarwal. Member. 4. Shri.Prashant Naik. Member. 5. Shri. Avinash Gore. Member
Wipro Technologies (Public Company; WIT; Information Technology and Services industry): Senior Architect, (September 1998-August 2009) Joined as project engineer and experienced...