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Prateek Saran: VS10GHA40541: 92.0%: G Kumar: Rsd Academy Public School: Moradabad: Uttar Pradesh: 17: Shubham Rastogi: VS10GHA40542: 92.0%: G Kumar: Rsd Academy Public School
Sl_No: Appl_No: Stream: Seat_No: Name of the Candidate: Gender: Language: 1: 964064: sa: A1620001: Ayush Mehrotra: Male: English: 2: 970081: sa: A1620002: AYUSH SAHAY: Male: English
Prateek Saran: VS10GHA40541: 92.0%: G Kumar: Rsd Academy Public School: Moradabad: Uttar Pradesh: 17: Shubham Rastogi: VS10GHA40542: 92.0%: G Kumar: Rsd Academy Public School
Sl_No: Appl_No: Stream: Seat_No: Name of the Candidate: Gender: Language: 1: 964064: sa: A1620001: Ayush Mehrotra: Male: English: 2: 970081: sa: A1620002: AYUSH SAHAY: Male: English