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Putcha Purnachandra Rao, S/o.Late Gopala Krishna Murthy, D.NO.30-18-28A, II Floor, Inavolu vari street, Seetharampuram, Vijayawada-4. …… Complainant.
Prof. C. Putcha, USA. Dr. Christian Kirchsteiger, The Netherlands. Prof. R. B. Mishra, India. Dr. D.Y. Lee, South Korea. Prof. D.N.P Murthy, Australia
Prof.Nitin V Putcha: Vice President – Operations: 5. Wg.Cdr.Babu (Retd) Dean- ITM Bangalore : 6. Dr.R.P.Mohanty: Chair Professor, Dean -Research: 7. Dr.Gyanam Murthy
Prof.Nitin V Putcha: Vice President – Operations: 5. Wg.Cdr.Babu (Retd) Dean- ITM Bangalore : 6. Dr.R.P.Mohanty: Chair Professor, Dean -Research: 7. Dr.Gyanam Murthy
The Vibrational Analysis of the 6170-4220 A System - Putcha Venkateswarlu and Baij Nath ... Moment Variation in (B 1 Σ X 1 Σ ) Bands of BeO - N.R. Tawde and N. Sreedhara Murthy
Putcha Purnachandra Rao, S/o.Late Gopala Krishna Murthy, D.NO.30-18-28A, II Floor, Inavolu vari street, Seetharampuram, Vijayawada-4. ...... Complainant.
Prof. C. Putcha, USA. Dr. Christian Kirchsteiger, The Netherlands. Prof. R. B. Mishra, India. Dr. D.Y. Lee, South Korea. Prof. D.N.P Murthy, Australia
Prof.Nitin V Putcha: Vice President - Operations: 5. Wg.Cdr.Babu (Retd) Dean- ITM Bangalore : 6. Dr.R.P.Mohanty: Chair Professor, Dean -Research: 7. Dr.Gyanam Murthy
Hyderabad Area, India - ACCOUNTS MANAGER at EDUMISSION EDUCATIONS PVT. LTD.View Putcha Murthy's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the world's largest business network, helping professionals like Putcha Murthy discover ...
Dr. Putcha Murthy, MD, Auburn, MA, Internal Medicine. Get a FREE Background Report on Dr. Murthy. View ratings, complaints, credentials, and detailed ...
Dr. Putcha Murthy, MD, Auburn, MA, Internal Medicine. Get a FREE Background Report on Dr. Murthy. View ratings, complaints, credentials, and detailed ...
35 Millbury Street, Auburn, MA, 01501-3203. Phone: (508)721-1180. Category: Physicians & Surgeons. View detailed profile, contacts, maps, reports and more.
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Find Putcha Murthy on WhitePages. There is 1 person named Putcha Murthy through regions like and Shrewsbury, MA.
Putcha R Murthy MD in Auburn, MA -- Map, Phone Number, Reviews, Photos and Video Profile for Auburn Putcha R Murthy MD. Putcha R Murthy MD appears in: ...
AUBURN MA - doctorFree doctor reviews and ratings for Dr. PUTCHA MURTHY doctor reviews.
Vision & Wings educational Society (Education Management industry): Counsler, (2009-2010)