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Some army men intervened and as from the statement of PW25 Risaldar Ramender Prasad it is clear that threat was also given by the accused that he would take revenge from them.
ramender prasad: 27.38: bjp: 1985: 60.49: 44.77: kunwar bahadur misra: 32.75: inc: mohd. ahmad: 29.95: cpi: 1980: 53.94: 44.41: kunwar bahadur misra: 41.82: inc(i) mohammad ahmad
Code Name Designation Department Gross_pay; 001006: RAM KISHAN: S.ATTD. GD.II: R.P.C. 9941: 001007: PHOOL SINGH: S.ATTD. GD. III: R.P.C. 10118: 001013: MANGE RAM–I: S.ATTD. GD.III
Some army men intervened and as from the statement of PW25 Risaldar Ramender Prasad it is clear that threat was also given by the accused that he would take revenge from ...
ramender prasad: 27.38: bjp: 1985: 60.49: 44.77: kunwar bahadur misra: 32.75: inc: mohd. ahmad: 29.95: cpi: 1980: 53.94: 44.41: kunwar bahadur misra: 41.82: inc(i) mohammad ahmad
Code Name Designation Department Gross_pay; 001006: RAM KISHAN: S.ATTD. GD.II: R.P.C. 9941: 001007: PHOOL SINGH: S.ATTD. GD. III: R.P.C. 10118: 001013: MANGE RAMI: S.ATTD. GD.III
Water Resources Department, Govt of Bihar,India ...