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S/Shri S.K. Kapur, Ranjan Deb, Prattek Jalan, S. Debe and I.I. Mankand, Advocates . Versus . Securities & Exchange Board. Respondent – Represented by
Chitta Ranjan Deb, Sungkumlong. Prediction of Functional Classes of Proteins of Swine Influenza A (H1N1) Virus K.V. Ashokan, D.S. Mundaganur, Y.D. Mundaganur
1. Sri Pallav Ranjan Deb ... The department organizes project works, students’ seminars, excursions etc ...
Himangshu Ranjan Deb: Sh. Jai Lal Singh: Inspector, SCB, Chennai. I nspector, BS & FC, New Delhi. Sub-Inspector,ACB, Silchar: Sub-Inspector, SCR-III, New Delhi.
(e-mail: [email protected]) Search of alternative substratum for agar in plant tissue culture Chitta Ranjan Deb* and Aolemla Pongener Department of Botany, Nagaland University ...
S/Shri S.K. Kapur, Ranjan Deb, Prattek Jalan, S. Debe and I.I. Mankand, Advocates . Versus . Securities & Exchange Board. Respondent Represented by
Temjensangba and Chitta Ranjan Deb* Cleisostoma racemiferum, an epiphytic orchid of primary forest under threat in their natural habitat, was studied.
Tejpal Singh and A. K. Awasthi: 99: Search of alternative substratum for agar in plant tissue culture: Chitta Ranjan Deb and Aolemla Pongener