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Reetu Raj, EE, IIIrd year DAV IET, Jalandhar, Punjab. Dear Reetu, If you want to know about the technology, then the initial plan was to connect each ...
reetu raj says: March 15 i am going to complety my a.m.e course in this may can any body help me in getting ojt ..... pls i am ready to pay also ...
—Reetu Raj from Orlando, US ([email protected]) We talk about economic reforms, social reforms and administrative reforms in India.
Ms. Bratati Pande, M.A., Delhi Univ. Dr. Vishnu Kanta Purohit, M.A., Ph.D., Rajasthan ... Dr. Reetu Raj Ekka, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., JNU
Roll No & Name: R173829 MS. REETU RAJ EKKA Father/Husband Name: SHRI BENJAMIN EKKA Address: 1314 SECTOR 4 R K ...
Reetu Raj, EE, IIIrd year DAV IET, Jalandhar, Punjab. Dear Reetu, If you want to know about the technology, then the initial plan was to connect ...
Dr. Reetu Raj Ekka, M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., JNU Dr. Anita Cherian, M.A. Madras, M.Phil. Hyderabad, Ph.D.,New York (on study leave) Ms. Neelima Luthra, M.A., M.Phil., Delhi ...
Name: Passing out Year: Degree: Centre: School: Occupation: Address: Email: R Aquil: 2000: M.Phil: CHS: SSS: CSSSC, R-1, B P Township, Kolkata-94: R G Harshe: 1978: Ph.d: CA&WES
TechAhead (Privately Held; Information Technology and Services industry): Tech Lead, (December 2009-November 2010)
XEN GlobalTech (Privately...
A. Organisation (Food & Beverages industry): Marketing Ope...