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Refine yourself as an individual to improve the quality of service that you can provide, recommends Riyaz Bharucha. Thursday, December 06, 2007, 15:48 Hrs [IST]
It's not difficult to bake a light, fluffy cake if you are not stingy with the ingredients,'' says Riyaz Bharucha, who runs a confectionery Pat-a-Cake in Salisbury Park, which he ...
The secret of service Refine yourself as an individual to improve the quality of service that you can provide, recommends Riyaz Bharucha. more>>
Refine yourself as an individual to improve the quality of service that you can provide, recommends Riyaz Bharucha. Thursday, December 06, 2007, 15:48 Hrs [IST]
It's not difficult to bake a light, fluffy cake if you are not stingy with the ingredients,'' says Riyaz Bharucha, who runs a confectionery Pat-a-Cake in Salisbury Park ...
The secret of service Refine yourself as an individual to improve the quality of service that you can provide, recommends Riyaz Bharucha. more>>
LinkedIn strengthens and extends your existing network of trusted contacts. LinkedIn is a networking tool that helps you discover inside connections to ...
Riyaz Bharucha 's collection of personalized gifts on Sending an exclusive gift to Riyaz Bharucha is now just a click away.
As Riyaz Bharucha, the Vedanta lecturer said, “It's really about perspective. Vedanta gives you the logical tools to cope with reality. ...
20 Jul 1999 ... Young and dashing Riyaz Bharucha, who is not only a model but also makes some delectable pastries and cakes that are the best available in ...
27 Mar 1999 ... It's not difficult to bake a light, fluffy cake if you are ...
It's not difficult to bake a light, fluffy cake if you are not stingy with ...
What does the ritual achieve, unsupported by the knowledge or performed in juxtaposition with self-centered activity? wonders Riyaz Bharucha who tries to ...
6 Dec 2007 ... Refine yourself as an individual to improve the quality of service that you can provide, recommends Riyaz Bharucha. ...
Refine yourself as an individual to improve the quality of service that you ...