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Rohit Saboo: Nominee of the Hindustan Charity Trust. Dr. D.N. Patodia. Nominee of the General Council. Shri G.P. Lal. Nominee of the General Council. Dr. P. Ghosh
Rohit Saboo: Nominee of the Hindustan Charity Trust. Dr. D.N. Patodia. Nominee of the General Council. Shri G.P. Lal. Nominee of the General Council. Dr. P. Ghosh
Mr. Rohit Saboo: Designation: President & CEO: Email ID: [email protected] ... Name: Mr. Sanjeev Taparia: Designation: Sr. Vice President: Division
Rohit Saboo, NEI chief executive. NEI is one of the largest domestic bearing manufactures with gross annual turnover of Rs.800 crore in 2009-10, having a market share of 25 percent
The Company has got great future and the real value will be reflected when the same get listed in BSE very soon. For detail research report mail on OMDC me at - rohit.saboo@gmail ...
Mr. Rohit Saboo: Designation: President & CEO: Email ID: [email protected] ... Name: Mr. Sanjeev Taparia: Designation: Sr. Vice President: Division
Shri Rohit Saboo, President and CEO, National Engineering Industries Ltd, Jaipur, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Shri OP HarkutandShriVDMathur, briefed the life ...
Rohit Saboo: Nominee of the Hindustan Charity Trust. Dr. D.N. Patodia. Nominee of the General Council. Shri G.P. Lal. Nominee of the General Council. Dr. P. Ghosh
National Engineering Industries ltd (Automotive industry): Vice President, (1994-2008)