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Sandeep Pendharkar, Head Technical Specialist, Tata Infotech Ltd. Mr. Divaydeep Sikri, Student, BE (Electr. & Comm.) NSIT Mr. Kinshuk Parekh, Student, B.E(Electr.
Venugopal (CTO, Co-Founder) Uma Bondada (VP Eng, Co-Founder) Mahantesh Pattanshetti (VP, Co-founder) Vineet Srivastava (Dir. Eng) Sandeep Pendharkar (Dir. Eng)
TATA NEN hottest startups awards - check more on how Vayavya Labs found potential business environment, their business success motives, team building methods, venture capital ...
Venugopal (CTO, Co-Founder) Uma Bondada (VP Eng, Co-Founder) Mahantesh Pattanshetti (VP, Co-founder) Vineet Srivastava (Dir. Eng) Sandeep Pendharkar (Dir. Eng)
Sandeep Pendharkar, Head Technical Specialist, Tata Infotech Ltd. Mr. Divaydeep Sikri, Student, BE (Electr. & Comm.) NSIT Mr. Kinshuk Parekh, Student, B.E(Electr.
TATA NEN hottest startups awards - check more on how Vayavya Labs found potential business environment, their business success motives, team building methods, venture ...
Synopsys (Public Company; 1001-5000 employees; SNPS; Computer Software industry): R&D Manager, (October 2002-June 2008)
Tata Infotech (Public Company; C...
Sun Microsystems (Public Company; JAVA; Computer Hardware industry): Senior Staff Engineer, (April 2002-January 2008)