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Experience: Regional Manager, B.B.S. Electronics Pte Ltd. Education: Shivaji University
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Santosh Baichwal's Public Profile on Plaxo. Plaxo helps members like Santosh Baichwal keep in touch with the people who really matter, helping them to connect, keep each other's ...
Mr. Santosh Baichwal: 080-3090-4111 +91 98451 59003: Bangalore: Ms. Krita Nelapudi: 080-3090 4101 +91 98453 00106: Bangalore: Mr. Ramesh Babu: 080-3090 4100
Mr. Santosh Baichwal: 080-3090-4111 +91 98451 59003: Bangalore: Ms. Krita Nelapudi: 080-3090 4101 +91 98453 00106: Bangalore: Mr. Ramesh Babu: 080-3090 4100
SNO: SLA No Name Address City District State Pin Fire M.Cargo M.Hull Engg. Motor Misc LOP Remarks ; 1: 61462 : DESHMUKH SV*
A B C D E F G H I J K L M; 1: PROVISIONAL SENIORITY LIST OF JTO (TELECOM) OF MTNL: 2: S. No. Name (S/Sh./Smt.) Staff No. Category [for analysis]
P.R. Baichwal: 1969: 160: 1270: Personnel George Strauss Leonard R. Sayles 1967: 161: 5610: A Wealth Of Wild Speices Norman Myers 1983: 162: 5425: Urbanization, Capital Formation ...
B.B.S. Electronics Pte Ltd (Semiconductors industry): Regional Manager, (March 2002-December 2007)