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... 179020 01 - kan 25 25 19 - 6 144 vinay c 179329 41 - com 18 18 24 + 6 145 sarah fathima h 179735 ...
Prof. M.A. Ataulla Joint ... Shaik Sarah Fathima II B.Sc
place list ofdy. superintendents of police (civil) s.n: name: caste: native place: date of birth: date of appointment: unit: present place of work
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z; 1: provisioinal seniority list : 2: sub : sa phy sci : mgt : local body : 3: first_app_mgt: s. no.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa; 1: provisional seniority list : 2: management : sa maths : mgt :: zp : 3: s . no: id: name: mandal: 3_desg
Prof. M.A. Ataulla Joint ... Shaik Sarah Fathima II B.Sc
... 179020 01 - kan 25 25 19 - 6 144 vinay c 179329 41 - com 18 18 24 + 6 145 sarah fathima h ...
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z; 1: provisioinal seniority list : 2: sub : sa phy sci : mgt : local body : 3: first_app_mgt: s. no.
"The Chopras" (Privately Held; Education Management industry): Education Counselor & IELTS Trainer, (May 2005-December 2006)
ALP (Private...