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54 Sarah Varghese and Saraswathy Devi subcutaneously, the dosage being 0·5 mg/kg body wt/day. All the animals were maintained on Hind Lever rat feed and water ad-libitum for 2 months
47 - 52: Effects of serpasil on lipids, lipoprotein lipase and lipogenic enzymes in alloxan diabetic rats Sarah Varghese and K S Saraswathy Devi
5.Gayathri Sooraj, Gopika Gopinath, Pallavy S, Nisha Prabhu A, Bhavya H, Varsha Sarah Varghese and Twinkle Mariam George-B Grade for Group song.
The Sarah Varghese Memorial Prize is awarded to a second year Botany student for securing the highest marks in Core Theory and Practicals in I to IV semesters.
sarah varghese: tutor: physiology: 233: shahshikala s: tutor: biochemistry: 234: sheena krishnan: tutor: community medicine: 235: sheethal rai h: tutor: microbiology: 236: shetigar sanchita jagadish
54 Sarah Varghese and Saraswathy Devi subcutaneously, the dosage being 0·5 mg/kg body wt/day. All the animals were maintained on Hind Lever rat feed and water ad-libitum ...
Phone: 26100613 [email protected] 31 Ms. Sarah Varghese B/22 Bina Apts Ceasor Road Amboli Andheri (W) Mumbai - 400 058 Phone: 26773570 [email protected] 32 Mr. Sitaram ...
... D. 185 Sarah Varghese Effects of serpasil on lipids, lipoprotein lipase and lipogenic enzymes in alloxan diabetic rats 53 Saraswathy Devi, K. S. see Sarah Varghese 53 Sastry, M ...