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Sarika Naik (Head PSD, MQ & Customer Advocacy) Email: [email protected] Sunitha Sen Email: [email protected] Vijay Kumar Email: [email protected]
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Practioner's Profile: Name: Sarika Naik: Designation: Head - Customer Advocacy and Mission Quality PSD: Organization Name: Wipro Infotech
fmm, Naveen Money, shreeenatjiiiii, Sarika Naik, kirti_j, diyansh, chinni_notu, harioachira, kushchouhan, krunalmalvi, ijnm, abhishec, Kunjaali, deval123, goldenvictory
Smt Sarika Naik: State Bank of India: General Stores: 194755: 150000: 45000: 294 : Bicholim Goa : 295 : 296: 98: Shri Agustino Vaz: State Bank of India: Mcycle taxi
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Sarika Naik (Head PSD, MQ & Customer Advocacy) Email: Sunitha Sen Email: [email protected] Vijay Kumar Email: [email protected]
Practioner's Profile: Name: Sarika Naik: Designation: Head - Customer Advocacy and Mission Quality PSD: Organization Name: Wipro Infotech
Ge-water (Utilities industry): Field Associate, (July 2006-June 2008)