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Sathyanarayana, Y and Munjal, ML (2000) A Hybrid approach for aeroacoustic analysis of the engine exhaust system. In: Applied Acoustics, 60 (4). pp. 425-450.
G.R. Satyanarayana: Y.N. Srikant: 1997 : G. Ramachandran: Y. Narahari: 1997 : R. Lakshmi: T. Matthew Jacob: 1997 : Nalin Gupta: Ashok Subramanian: 1997 : S. Ganesh : Vijay Chandru
Satyanarayana Y Assistant Mentor, Consortium of Institutions of Higher Learning. Email : Vishal Assistant Mentor, Consortium of Institutions of Higher Learning.
Indrakumar Reddy.C. FAC. 9440046498. 11. Kuppam. Selva Raj.A. FAC. 9441256245. 12. Kurabalakota. Sudha.L. FAC. 8571280503. 13. Mulakalacheruvu. Sathyanarayana.Y. FAC. 9441080873
Y Satyanarayana; Y Srinibas; Y VENKATESWARLU; Y Abraham V Joseph; Y D Tripathi; Y G CHANDRASEKAR; Y N Marathe; Y Nishant Nair; Y R Sudhir; Y. R. Singh; Y. R. SINGH
Sathyanarayana, Y and Munjal, ML (2000) A Hybrid approach for aeroacoustic analysis of the engine exhaust system. In: Applied Acoustics, 60 (4). pp. 425-450.
G.R. Satyanarayana: Y.N. Srikant: 1997 : G. Ramachandran: Y. Narahari: 1997 : R. Lakshmi: T. Matthew Jacob: 1997 : Nalin Gupta: Ashok Subramanian: 1997 : S. Ganesh : Vijay Chandru
Satyanarayana Y Assistant Mentor, Consortium of Institutions of Higher Learning. Email : Vishal Assistant Mentor, Consortium of Institutions of Higher Learning.
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Sathyanarayana, Y, Munjal, ML. This paper presents a new hybrid approach for prediction of noise radiation from engine exhaust systems. ...
Sathyanarayana Y's Gallery. Problems? We're doing maintenance, but things should be back to normal soon. This user has no Public Albums. Sathyanarayana Y ...