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Website dedicated to Real Estate Franchising Business, Property in India, Real Estate Agent in India, Real Estate Agents, Entrepreneurial Opportunity, Business Opportunity ...
HEC MEMBERS: Post: Name: [email protected]: Room No : President: Shishir Mishra : shishirm : Cultural Secretary: Gaurav kumar Gupta : guptak : Maintenance Secretary: Ashutosh tiwari
Mr Shishir Mishra, the groom and three of his friends ‘jumped’ as the bride and her family waited anxiously. Mr Shishir, a skydiver, had a desire to make his wedding a unique ...
Shishir Mishra : Class11: SGFI: 2009: Selected for SGFI 2009 in Lawn Tennis. 48. SHISHIR MISHRA : Class12: LAWN TENNIS: 2010: SELECTED FOR NATIONAL LAWN TENNIS 2010.SELECTED FOR NATIONAL LAWN TENNIS ...
... obtained from biomass burning from various parts of world 15:00-16:00 15 Gurjeet Singh; Harendra Singh BL, OD, RSG Development of a GIS for IIT Kanpur 14 April Fri 16:00-17:00 2 Shishir Mishra ...
Shishir Mishra says: May 13 Need a full time semi trained maid for a family of 4 at Vasundhara, ghaziabad. Contact 9268017107
Shishir Mishra, Himanshi Jain, Ankit Madan and Amit Srivastava, ICT in SMEs: An Inevitable Entity, International Conference on SMEs in Transitional Economies ...
... pa ndey gurjeet singh kumar prashant kunal gaurav manish kumar manish sharma manjari neeraj kumar niraj kumar prabhat kumar raghav pant rahul sinha sandeep awasthi shishir mishra sonam ...
Ericsson India Pvt....
Ericsson India Pvt....
ICICI Prudential (Privately Held; Insurance industry): Manager Projects BRM, (December 2007-March 2010)
Accenture Servi...