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... scholarship 2007 for Best MBA III Sem. Girl Student 2007-08 for Rs. 10,000/- sponsored by Mr. Udai Upendra, Managing Director, The HR Company, Gurgoan to Ms. Shuchita Pandey
Shuchita Pandey, D/o Sri Dr. Uma Kant Pandey, 31A/13, Church Lane, Allahabad-211002 Mob. No.: 09453255686 Email: [email protected] 617 2009 571 23.
Shuchita Pandey: Dr. Uma Kant Pandey: 617: GEN: 9: Kumar Chandan Suman: Surendra Prasad Singh: 616: OBC: 10: Sanjeeva Kumar: Late Prem Prakash Singh
shuchita pandey: 5004224: nr: gn: 156: jogendra prasad patel: 6026023: nr: obc-nc: 157: vamshikrishna chandanala: 1420777: nr: obc-nc: 158: diptarag mukherjee: 6062021: nr: gn: 159
Sr.No. Name GATE Reg. No. Interview Call for Birth Category; 1: NITISH: 7151052: EE4: GN: 2: THEJO SWAMY NAIDU B: 1490267: EE4: GN: 3: APPU SANKAR V: 7150355: EE4: GN: 4: VIVEK AGRAWAL
Shuchita Pandey, D/o Sri Dr. Uma Kant Pandey, 31A/13, Church Lane, Allahabad-211002 Mob. No.: 09453255686 Email: [email protected] 617 2009 571 23.
... 2007 for Best MBA III Sem. Girl Student 2007-08 for Rs. 10,000/- sponsored by Mr. Udai Upendra, Managing Director, The HR Company, Gurgoan to Ms. Shuchita Pandey
Shuchita Pandey: Dr. Uma Kant Pandey: 617: GEN: 9: Kumar Chandan Suman: Surendra Prasad Singh: 616: OBC: 10: Sanjeeva Kumar: Late Prem Prakash Singh