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... shinta sheelkumar 160 d0102 shona j kappan 161 1064 shymon ks 162 d0010 sifna n shajahan 163 d0090 sleebi k divakaran 164 1013 smijas j 165 d0292 sneha v 166 d0159 snigdhamol ms 167 d0099 sona lisa kurian ...
Get information about Justin Long including upcoming movies, biography, filmography, Justin Long photos, videos, wallpapers, movie releases. Join Justin Long fan club watch ...
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... shona j kappan 161 1064 shymon ks 162 d0010 sifna n shajahan 163 d0090 sleebi k divakaran 164 1013 smijas j 165 d0292 sneha v 166 d0159 snigdhamol ms 167 d0099 sona lisa kurian 168 1055 soumya n ...
Get information about Justin Long including upcoming movies, biography, filmography, Justin Long photos, videos, wallpapers, movie releases. Join Justin Long fan club ...
Mona Lisa (also known as La Gioconda or La Joconde) is a 16th-century portrait painted in oil on a poplar panel by Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci during the ...
The Mona Lisa is widely recognized as the most famous painting in the history of art. At Mona Lisa Mania you will find the history of the painting along ...
Portrait of Mona Lisa (1479-1528), also known as La Gioconda , the wife of Francesco del Giocondo; 1503-06 (150 Kb); Oil on wood, 77 x 53 cm (30 x 20 7/8 ...
Forget the clichés and look at the painting. In the early 16th century, Mona Lisa represented a turning point in the history of portraiture.
Mona Lisa 1503-1506. Oil on wood 77 x 53 cm (30 x 20 7/8 in.) Louvre, Paris ... Text about "Mona Lisa" from E.H. Gombrich, "The Story of Art" ...
You probably recognized Mona Lisa right away--even upside-down. Two upside-down Monas may look strange (one perhaps stranger than the other), but turn them ...
Mona Lisa also known as La Gioconda (la Joconde) is the 16 th century oil painting on popular wood by none other than the archetype “ Renaissance Man”, ...
18 Oct 2007 ... Pascal Cotte discovered a single stroke of paint above Mona Lisa's left eye, representing an eyebrow hair. Credit: Pascal Cotte, Lumiere ...